The Parish Pastoral Council meets on the first Wednesday of each month except during the summer. Their role is to advise the Pastor on matters to do with the day to day running of the parish.
Members: Jim Seney, Chair, Lou Bouley, Len Jekanowski, Laurie Pennell, Patty Moriarty, Fr. John Gawienowski, Deacon Mark Kolasinsi
The Finance Committee meets on the third Thursday of each month at 4 p.m. except during the summer. The Finance Committee, required by Canon Law, advises the Pastor in the financial aspects of the Parish and works with him on the budgets and fund raising as needed. Annually, they present financial reports to the parish at weekend Masses.
Members: Jim DiDonato, Chair, Dolores Auclair, Lou Bouley, Jeff Ciuffreda, Tom Monaghan, Fr. John Gawienowski, Deaco n Mark Kolasinski
The Bereavement Committee is available to support families and friends as they attend funeral services at Our Lady of the Hills Parish. They are available to make arrangements if the families wish to have a reception in the church hall following the funeral service and burial.
The Liturgy Committee meets on the first Thursday of each month except during the summer. They work with the Pastor to plan the regular and special Liturgical services during the year. They help organize visits to the two Nursing homes in the area, organizing Masses and recitations of the rosary on a monthly basis. They schedule the Ministers of Hospitality, Lectors and Altar Servers as well as the monthly visits to the nursing homes to deliver the Eucharist on the third Sunday of the month.
To integrate social justice ministry into the life of Our Lady of the Hills Parish: to raise awareness of pressing issues of social concern; to provide opportunities for education on current issues in Catholic social ministry; and to support and actively engage in peace and justice concerns reflecting Catholic Social Teaching through loving service and through legislative and social policy support both locally and beyond.
The Adult Faith Formation Program meets on Wednesdays from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. The program is arranged in the Academic year with a Fall program and Spring program planned based on the topic being studied. We are currently developing our Fall Program.
The Building and Grounds Committee has been pinpointing immediate needs of the property for repair and improvement. They have accomplished a great deal since their formation less than a year ago. There is much work to be done, especially as we work toward safety and security measures in both the church and the rectory.
This is an ecumenical outreach endeavor to provide a weekend meal to those in need of a cooked meal and a friendly hello within the Hilltown Communities. We will provide meals on the first Saturday of the month starting on October 5th. Take and Eat was founded in 2003 by Deacon Francis Ryan and his wife Kathleen to recruit, train and empower volunteers in various faith based community organizations to prepare and deliver, free of charge, hot meals to the homebound elderly on weekends and three day holidays.